You Are Ours

You Are Ours

Author:Leann Lane



How does one woman please two men? Lizzie has to answer when Jordan suddenly springs Jackson on her. His life long best friend. Jackson is a dark, brooding man. When they meet, the sparks fly and burn so hot and unexpectedly that Lizzie is shocked. Jordan was a lot for Lizzie to learn how to handle. But, when she discovers she is supposed to try and take both of them on. She was terrified and overwhelmed, Lizzie flees to a quiet cabin in the woods, where she thinks she is safe enough to come to terms with her new situation. But Jack and Jordan follow her there, unwilling to let her run away. They force her to confront her problems and the terrible secrets she was harboring. Unfortunately, their problems decided to follow them as well. Can the three of them ever get past the troubles they must face? Especially when it's Lizzie's own life on the line? *ADULTS ONLY* *EXPLICIT SCENES* *BDSM* You Are Ours is created by Leann Lane, an eGlobal Creative Publishing Signed Author
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My heart faltered from its normal rhythm as I stared in morbid fascination at the shiny piece of metal that encircled Mia's neck. Mia had been my best friend and constant companion for over ten years now and this was the first time I had ever seen her look this happy. She practically vibrated with joy as she gazed lovingly at her new Master as he finished hooking the chain-linked collar around her neck.

An uncomfortable spark of recognition zipped through me as I hesitantly reach up and grasp the chain-linked necklace that Master Jordan had given me, not even two hours earlier. I had thought it was just a punk-metal piece of jewelry. At first glance, no one would have ever compared it to the collars that the subs around here wore. Never had I seen one that held the same two hearts and single key that mine had. However, at this moment I finally understood its signification.

"It is a collar you gave me, isn't it?" I breathlessly asked as my fingers ran over the only piece of decoration on it.

"Yes, I gave you a collar," Master Jordan confirmed. "What would make you think it was anything else? You have been in this society for three years now."

Quickly turning in disbelief to confront them making sure it was not some nasty joke or a horrifying mistake from them. The two men I was up against gave no indication that they were anything but completely serious. The outright certainty in themselves and their actions was what scared me the most.

"Why?" My voice came out as a tiny shaky squeak that not even a mouse would have been able to hear.

I didn't bother repeating myself because I had no doubt whatsoever that both men heard what I said even over the uproar going on around us.

The club The Dungeon on a normal night was blaring. But on a night when the owner had finally collared his permanent sub, the noise levels were beyond ear-piercing. Every person was shouting and cheering, making catcalls and a few were even pounding their feet.

Unsure if they heard me, yet I was not worried because I knew they could read all the confusion and fear that was etched in the lines on my face.

"You are ours, Lizzie. You and I knew since the first time you stumbled through that door. You are the one for us, baby girl," he said with total conviction that almost had me convinced he was right.

Panic overcame me as the world tilted on its axis for the second time tonight, honestly not sure if I had recovered from the first surprise of a second Master. It was only two hours ago that I was still kneeling in front of Jordan. Listening to his and Jack's conversation, thinking this was it he was handing me off to another Master without any warning.

Never being so grateful to anyone in my life, when Mia had pulled Jordan aside and made him see that I was completely confused about the situation. That realization spurred him and Jack to take me aside and quite clearly explain the truth of the situation.

"You are the key to our hearts, baby girl," Jordan finally finished.

The implication in his voice had me hastily retreating in an involuntary movement of fear. When he reached for me, I sidestepped his efforts, fearful that with his touch all thoughts would fly out of my head. His effect on my entire being is always overpowering to the point where I would end up as nothing but a puddle at his feet, awaiting to fulfill any command he would give.

I had backed up feeling as if his very essence was surrounding me and closing off every route of escape I possibly had. My body tensed ready for action as questions and demands swirled around in my mind. Glancing at the exit sign not sure if I genuinely wanted to run away.

My back suddenly hit a wall of unforgiving flesh. I tipped my head upwards just to confirm the obvious. Jack's dark piercing eyes unnerved me as they stared down at me in an almost harsh and unforgiving way. Just as quickly, his hands captured my arms and removed my only chance at escape.

The moment our skin came in contact, a tingling sensation swept through me. The terrifying realization settled in me that Jordan was no longer the only man in existence that could make me crave his dominance with just a look or a touch.

My gaze traveled over his dark wavy hair down to his soul-penetrating eyes that sent a delectable shudder through me before finally got caught on his lush. The vision of how they would feel on me, set blood pounding through my already heated veins combining with the shiver of delight that raced down my back. The desire that filled me at the idea of submitting to both men was so fierce it was like a kick in the gut.

A solid chest pressed against mine and I was surrounded by two hulking masculine bodies. It was much like being in my very own protective bubble, except I knew I was in more danger from both these men than I was if I had just walked into a cage with a hungry tiger.

My breath caught again as Jordan leaned in close and pressed his warm lips up against my ear.

"I put our collar on you, Lizzie. Because no other woman will ever wear it. Just as Reed wanted every Dom and sub alike to know Mia is not available, we want them all to know that you belong to us and only us. Apparently, this is a lesson you need to learn to, sub."

Every breath and syllable that left his mouth brushed past my ear and was ingrained on my mind and body. My heart began to pound so hard against I was sure it was about to burst out of my chest. I felt my head begin to spin and I struggled to remember how to breathe, dread clutched at me as I started to recognize the signs of a panic attack.

My vision began to blur, and the room spun violently as I gathered the last remaining energy and yanked free. I stumbled headlong into the crowd searching desperately for the door.

I dodged around people as best I could and somehow successfully managed to sidestep every Dom that tried to grab me. I ran, not even acknowledging the voices closing in behind me that were calling my name.

Tripping up the stairs, I finally made it to the last exit door and swung it open with all my strength. The faces on the other side of the door did not resemble anything human to my blurry eyes and I stumbled away from the crowds, searching for a quiet place.

I leaned against the side of the building and bent to put my head between my legs trying desperately to draw even an ounce of air into my oxygen-starved lungs.

My legs gave out as I slowly realized the only inhaler that I had brought was still downstairs. Closing my eyes, I allowed myself to drop with the expectation that at any moment I would feel the hard impact of the pavement. Instead, a pair of strong arms caught me and until the tingling sensation registered, I thought they were strange arms.

When I peeked, I found Jack's dark eyes swirling with concern and fear searching my face. His arms tightened around me when I opened my mouth to demand he let me go. Dismay took the last breath I had in me when I realized the only thing that was coming out was little squeaks.

"J-J-J-" was all I got out before my fight with the dark oblivion finally took its toll and I went limp.


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